Thursday, December 27, 2007

My apologies to the masses

It has been awhile since I have taken the time to sit and collect my thoughts. There are many, and they are piling up like the sordid tales of my past. I apologize for not blogging nearly enough, I know that there are those of you who depend on me for your own well being.
We just had a splendid Christmas with the Houghton's in Iowa. We had a Rockwellian time. The snow lay gently on the ground, the decorations warmly lit the living room with family gathered together from all around, and the spirit of St. Nicklaus was in the air.
The drive down was not so horrific, however, if you ask the Beast, Lucy, it might as well have been a voyage in the belly of a cargo ship traveling down around Cape Horn at the base of Argentina before the Panama Canal was built. My great great great great uncle died of typhoid fever building the great waterway. Lucy obviously is not as well traveled as I am. I have been on several more daring adventures in my time.
Upon arrival I was able to meet many who I had not yet met. I know that it is uncouth to have favorites within family, but I had a definite liking for Jeff and Michelle's niece, Kylie. She is not yet 2 and a half, but we hit it off handsomely. She pets in the manner of a small child, but it is petting nonetheless. I even lent my mug for a picture to be framed for her to take with her. Hopefully she will think of me as I do her.
Probably the best surprise was the snow, it was nearly as tall as I. I was able to trudge through it with ease given my background in shouldn't say. Let's just say I spent some time in an event that starts with I and ends with ditarod. It was nice to feel as though I was back in Alaska mushing, working on a team of other dedicated canines twice my size, toward a common goal.
Overall it was nice to experience some new petting styles. Don't get me wrong I love the Springfield Houghtons and their propensity to pet. It is simply a nice treat to feel some differing styles. As I mentioned Kylie was a nice petter with her Pat-Smear, Pat-Smear technique. Scott, who I suppose is my uncle of sorts was great. He has an almost massage like quality, it's what we call a Swedish Pet. Steve, the patriarch of the family, employs a Scratch Stroke method. I could not always have it. It's like when you sink into a hot tub. The first few seconds you wonder if you can handle it, but eventually you can't imagine not having it.
It is great to be back! For all the Rockwellian good times, it is nice to get your paws dirty in your own yard. Hopefully I will increase the frequency of my posts. I'm off to partake in some cheddar and summer sausage while I watch one of the few television shows that I enjoy, Nova.